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Loved the Water So Much She Could Be a Fish

So, when I leave the beach I always miss the sand and Gulf so very much...I could sit out there all day...just have to continuously reapply sunscreen (which cannot be coppertone because god knows that nasty film does not belong on my skin)...
But it's time to get in the car and go home--it's time. I love Baton Rouge for merely the reason that it is my city, much like in the movies New York or LA are some big action heroes' city loves that they have to protect. Except there is no way I could protect BR...I only stick to one side of it anyways...I just love my home. You know, "Geaux tigers," Cajun spice, Canes, etc.
However, I think that today, the fates certainly did not want us to go home today...I'm pretty sure they were signaling that mom and I should have stayed until tomorrow. The four hour drive home became six in an epic adventure worthy, I believe, of Odyssey proportions. The worst part, however, was certainly getting soaking wet after some guy smacked his door against mom's--I had to get out and check everything for her...during a torrential storm.
But, low and behold(!), we survived the weather (hail!) and incredible amounts of traffic to arrive home and the wonderful present of my American Eagle jeans awaited. I love jeans. Shame that in BR, LA during the summer a constant stream of heat reaching over 98 degrees just doesn't allow for me to wear them. Luckily, the colder climate of Memphis, TN (I never said how much colder) which is home to my beloved college of Rhodes allows for me to basically wear only jeans. And AE had some promotion thing that just again reflects our recession that allowed me to get my jeans in 0 short--my other pairs are too big, to the point where falling off is a habit of theirs!
Speaking of buying this, dear god, help me with my shoe fetish. It's reaching a new point. I'm sure that poor Matt is terrified by my constant buying and cooing over shoes. I think a demon has possessed me...or my mother's wish when I was a shopping-hating little girl just came true. But I'm in love with these new shoes...I love the outlets...especially J. Crew, which I shouldn't even get started on--I would ramble for days over my love:

Don't tell me they are just shoes. I may jump back onto the ship called reality.
Speaking of that ship, let's write about how life just isn't fair. When I started a long distance relationship, I knew that I wanted to fully and absolutely do it because Matt is a guy I've been waiting for and he is wonderful beyond the words (cue--"slightly perfect") that I could type on this stupid key board. Even if he is a Razorback fan. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy or anything of that sort. Um, obviously. When I'm home, we're a little over six hours away most of the time. At school, four and half-ish. Basically, it's not like he's in Alaska, but it's far enough to hinder seeing each other whenever we fancy. I don't regret it and frankly, I don't think that I would change it...maybe shorten the distance, but...
But geez! Why does the one weekend that he has to come end up being when I'm going on the beach trip (like I haven't been to the beach a thousands times this summer, we have a condo there!) that I promised my best friend I would attend and offered my share to the group. It's probably like what my mom's car felt like when that hail crashed down from the sky on its hood. And I feel like it's all my fault. I mean...I know--"that's life," right? And for such a spoiled, sheltered girl as myself that's probably a good kick...but it's a harsh kick. It makes the time until we can see each other again grow to what seems like a vast waste of space. Though, I know, I know--I should be thankful for texting, cell phone calls, and skype. And I am. Except, I suppose that just doesn't cover the lack of being in each other's presence...
And it's not really just the fact that a beach trip is stopping a meeting...I think that perhaps, I'm just being teary over the situation in general. Which dear god, I better shape up and deal. Because I want to be with Matt for as long as he'll have me (I mean, I am an OCD, anxious, stress out little individual...with other wonderful qualities, of course)...which would mean a lot greater obstacles, especially distance and time, than this...I think that I can learn to handle it, though. I'm a fairly decent learner.

Originally posted on 7/25/09


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