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Sentimental Value is a Strange Dragon...

So, we are basically completely redoing our house...
And I'm being forced to clean out my room of years worth of trinkets and papers and god-only-knows what else...
I have that awful packrat thing, not to the extreme or anything, but enough to find reasons to hold on to stupid little this is tiring and evil...
But! Among my findings, was a writing I did in like 7th grade (worst year of life, ever):
"Always go into the mouth of despair with the knowledge of an unforseen victory and that victory the future shall bring."
Chances are--I wanted to sound like Yoda, all cool and wise. I also found the note that LH wrote me in the 7th grade about how I wanted to be popular. I have no idea why that was still in there...but I ripped it up into tiny pieces--felt good, even after all of these years...girl drama is a damaging thing, even when you are young...
Why do I keep all this crap? I'm barely halfway through drawer one of my desk. Oh, I said in that quote...know that you'll be victorious...I'm going to have to try real hard to imagine that here...


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