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Just Every Once in a While, People Baffle Me

So, I was reading Mugglenet, which I don't do as often as I used to--but sometimes I'm still drawn to see what's going on in the Harry Potter world...
And this made me want to preform that nail torture scene from The Wind that Shakes the Barley on someone...
"Alcohol educators say that they don’t want to ruin the fun, but that parents should be aware of alcohol’s role in the Harry Potter series, the books as well as the movies. Several studies suggest that movies influence teenagers’ behavior when it comes to drinking, drugs and tobacco. An Institute of Medicine committee on under-age drinking has said there is 'a strong possibility' that youth exposure to alcohol through movies contributes to early initiation of alcohol use."
Now, I just have to comment on how ridiculous this is--to extreme proportions. With all of the crap on TV and movies like Superbad in the world, they spend time and effort on studying how HP influences ideas about alcohol? This just makes me think about how dumb educators in University settings can be...they assume that they know everything and do studies like this one. Gag me, please.
Basically...can we say..."stupidity"?

Speaking of COLLEGE and uptight professors, the time is nearing to go back soon...which will be good because I'm really starting to miss my routine days and constant work to do. I will also be closer to Matt...which means that I can eventually see him, because being separated this much is kinda like the torture procedure that I mentioned earlier--though with the onslaught of RUSH, lord knows exactly when that is going to be...ugh, I don't think that I can act falsely peppy and sorority-ish for so long...and I have to have constant converstations with these girls that grow longer as the nights go on...oh, pray for me...but as soon as all of that pain is over, I'm definitely getting Matt over to Rhodes straight least he can live in the knowledge, that though I'm the reason that our time apart has expanded, I had to live through agony and suffering ("I'm an A-A-O-II Cutie Pie! Da Da Da Da Di...")....I love my sorority and the girls in it...I just have a strong dislike for Rush and Ritual...which just happen to be to major parts of the institution...
But, Rhodes, I guess that I'm ready to see you again and see my new dorm all fitted out (I bought the most AWESOME red pillow the other day for the chair--or--futon that we buy, this sadly extremely excites me)...but I'm going to die when I leave Baton Rouge...leaving Louisiana is so painful...Tennessee just doesn't compare...and more familar to me then it was last year, but that doesn't make it any prettier or better or anything...


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