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A Romance in Ruffles

So, I'm house sitting today because mom had to go to New Orleans and the painters were here...those painters are awesome...they are super nice and make me feel like I walked into the 70s...
But I've just been sitting around all day...we went and got doughnuts from the heavenly doughnut which were awesome...haven't had doughnuts in forever...and I've just been doing nothing...I'll soon venture out to go do the Wii fit...because I hate sitting stagnant all day...I get antsy and have to move...I wish that it was beautiful outside and I was near Lake DeGray in Arkansas....I would go swim out there...but the Wii will have to do...and even though it's raining, if there continues to be not lightening, I may venture out into the pool...
But, I've spent basically the whole morning watching True's almost soap opera-y, but it's wonderfully addictive...the whole vampire thing is still not my favorite (same with Twilight, loved it, but vampires are just...ummm)...but I think that I've decided that I like the hardcore vampires from True Blood than the ones in Twilight, even if Bill isn't an Edward...there is more blood in the series, which is what vampires are supposed to be about--though, there are some I things...that I don't want/need to's a shame that we don't have HBO and I'm forced to find the episodes online...and happily (and sadly at the same time, I watched them too fast), I am almost caught up...I love this promotional picture for TB:

"Thy shall not crave thy neighbor." Love it--compare this to twinkling vampires in Twilight...I mean, I LOVE Twilight...but...
I also watched Old Greg...My love for Noel and Julian is so very much...they never cease to entertain me...Greg is my favorite though...they are freaking crazy, though...

ALSO! I got my JCrew Catalog for Fall! SO MUCH HAPPINESS! And I love the stuff that they have in it...the guy's stuff is awesome, too...but this shirt was just so awesome, that I had to write about it...granted, I probably would want it in yellow or black, depending on how I felt that day...

Lastly, I've been trying to find the dress for my coronation for a while...and I found it! I'm going to be in the Krewe of Zeus as a Maid while Ashley is the Queen...and even though these dresses aren't nearly as awesome as the ones for Excalibur, they are very pretty...they actually look like bridesmaids dresses, though...Excalibur was all costume-y...I can't wait to wear it, though...I love Mardi Gras...


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