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Often Results from Inhailing Paint Fumes

So, I spent the majority of my day searching for futons that are cheap enough and small enough to fit in Claire and my new dorm room. Apparently, we've been chasing something that doesn't exist...much like a bowtruckle or a pixie (see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)...
But then we found these chairs from Pier One, which are perfect and a price we can share...

But mom and Claire aren't trilled with the idea of just one chair...and if we can't have something that people can sleep on (we're gonna end up buying an inflatable mattress, I know it--sorry, Matt and Alyssa) then we should at least have two chairs...but we can't buy two of this one...SO we would be forced to get these chairs from Walmart...yumm....
I'm not so excited about this situation...but the lamp I got for the room is really cute, though...

And as I have stated before, we are in the process of renovating our house...just updating to a more modern standard for my mother...who has decided that this gives her more things to freak out about! She gets herself so worked up...because it's like she feels like she needs, the scary thing about this is that I can recognize it in my mother...but I don't always recognize when I do it...I can certainly freak out, but sometimes I don't understand how much or to what extreme...I am very self-conscience about this...
But basically, the paint fumes have been eating at my brain...I think we might all get sick or is particularly rancid in that living room...

Also, today was a day for discoveries! The first involved me actually starting a new series (goodbye, Pendragon, I dragged you out as long as I could)...the series that Legend of the Seeker is based on...the book is called The Wizard's First Rule...and the book is a dozy with about 850 pages...but I absolutely love it...I enjoy the writer's pace, I think that it matches the book's purpose well...and I love that his descriptions are precise and allow for a crisp picture, but don't seem to extend past the point of vitality (like when I read The Fellowship of the Ring)...and I really like the main character's personality--and the chemistry between him and his love interest...
AND! (Drum roll)...Mason Jennings...Matt has this horrible habit of sharing all of his music with me and then me falling in love with it and forming a slight obessions over certain songs (as shown in the time that I have known about Joe Purdy...the Beatles I did on my own, though)...but I haven't listened to all of his stuff, I have to go CD by CD for people's work, but I absolutely love In the of my list right now is "Memphis, TN," "In Your City," "Fighter Girl," and "Never Knew Your Name"...
All can be heard here:

Lastly, I must mention my love for Skype. God only knows the pain I would endure from all of my long distance relationships when I'm in Memphis...from my mother/father/Ryan, from Alyssa and Jennifer, and of course, from my amazing Matt. But, right now, when Matt is chilling in Magnolia in his new appartment...I know he is an hour closer, but ever, ever so far...
Soon is never soon enough when it involves seeing someone that you care that deeply about.
But, I got to skype with him and see his handsome face...granted, I didn't get to really see the green in my favorite eyes and then skype messed up and we only got to talk for 30 minutes, but at least I got to actually SEE him for some time...
...But when Matt talked about his great-aunt today...I thought about Papa...he died when I was so young and I was out of town and didn't even get to go to the funeral...he's the only grandparent that I never really knew...but then I thought about my Granny...and how she is 90 and so healthy and how much she loved my papa...and the distance now between them, how much pain she must suffer...and I realized that no matter the distance I am away from Matt, at least I have him with me, some how...

Do I seem to like Matt, just a exponental amount? Hmmm...and in honor of the man who constantly takes over my thoughts and apparently, my blog:

I admit. It is funny. In that dry wit, almost British humor off the It Crowd kinda way...


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