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Earrings in His Pocket Until I See Him Again

So, I wish that Matt was in my city tonight. Unfortunately, the only thing going on in BR right now is packing for the friend beach trip tomorrow...and I've found out that I don't pack well for short periods of time...and lord knows that when they said that they were bringing shampoo/conditioner and a hairdryer for the group, I quickly packed my way that would be happening...I think that my outfits are this point, I'm past caring...
But everything would be fairly okay...
Until I found out that we would be leaving at 8:00, can we please say...WTH? No thank you, dearies. First off, I believe that most places don't allow you to check in until around 3:00, so why in the world would we get there around 12:00? Also, I would have to wake up around 6:00 because I've been instructed to go to Alyssa's house to get picked up. Which means my mother also has to wake up that early because she has to bring me over there so my car doesn't sit there all sucks for both of us.
And, my parents own a condo next to Flora-Bama. I go to Perdido Key/Orange Beach all the time...I know the restaurants, I know The Warf, I know San Cay, I know the Publix, I even known some of the retailers (can we say J.Crew?) at the, apparently, I'm not quite as eager as they are to get there...
Plus, you know, the knowledge that I'm even farther away from Matt is nearly sickening...(is that sad? I don't know, I just can't help it...I don't know how my parent's survived when my dad was in North Carolina and they didn't have cell phones or Skype)...


Aly said...

i agree... this is craziness... but i am just going to try and roll with it... try is the key word there... I just know there will be key points where i will have to bite my tongue and just go with the flow

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