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When Your Brain Feels Like Cotton

So, I currently just came down with a cold...and so the coughing, clogging, and other nastiness can begin and continue for a long period of time...yay.
But! It has been some time, dear blog, since I've been about to post worthless words on this web-accessible journal...mostly because I took a trip to the Beach that I currently ragged about...
Everything went surprisingly well and even more surprising, I had a pretty good time...though, the entire time, I watched those two parents...and realized how much I appreciate my mother...she is so organized and we think so much alike...I would have felt less queasy about things with her...
But the guys were okay and the fact that everyone else was drinking turned out to be much less of a spaz attack than previously thought...though, they insisted on playing beer pong...which I find really boring, even though apparently I am really awesome at throwing a small ping pong ball into a plastic cup partially filled with liquid...I sense a career change...
When at the J.Crew outlet, I bought the necklace that I have stared at the past three times I have gone...and I officially love it...a perfect accessory...sadly, this is the best picture I can offer...When we were driving back home to wonderful BR, Matt surprised me by calling and saying that he wanted to drive down to BR for a few days since Magnolia was sucking out his soul...I about died of happiness, of course, and so we opened the guest room again...
They are stilling painting our house, and so my room has everything out of it and they made me take my door down...I've been building this up since like the 7th grade, maybe this was slightly tragic (of course)...I that only Alyssa truly understands how mentally detrimental this desecration of the memory of my youth is...(Ha, how serious did that sound?)

But, Matt being here kinda took away from the mayhem of the house...we just sat around together...and it was the most wonderful thing...I think that you know that you truly like someone when you can sit around with them for extended periods of time...of course, I sometimes worry if he is bored or not...because Matt is so reserved sometimes I just can't tell...but I would never diminish his's one of those things that I love about him...
While he was here, we wanted to see 500 Days of Summer, but it didn't come out in BR until today when he had to! We went to see The Hurt Locker, which is supposed to be awesome...which we ended up walking out of...partially because Matt got a headache...partially because I really did not find much in this movie that grated it the privilege of wasting my precious eyesight and time...the cinematography was excellent, I loved how the movie was captured...but I didn't really understand the plot or the significance of the movie...I felt that the characters were harder to relate to than they should be...and maybe there is something just too soon about watching soldiers being killed in Iraq in a movie...or maybe I just don't like war matter, this was only about the second movie that I have ever walked out of...
Speaking of him leaving, I just have to mention how this departure was much easier than last time...because I realized how lucky I was to see him since before I didn't know if I would see him until sometime in September...but it still felt like strings connected to myself were being slowly pulled far from my body where they belong...creating discomfort and tears...he has got me completely and utterly twitterpated, obviously...which I swore wouldn't happen to me until I was late twenties...hmmm, guess you really can't plan these things...
But, I will see him soon. Soon, my favorite word...

On a final note, on TLC, which is a personal favorite, I live for What Not to Wear...but they have this show called Toddlers and Tiaras...
It is awful. And horrifying (I can't imagine ever doing that myself that young. Or even a little older...because I'm too shy and self-conscious for that type of thing...I would never be bold enough to do that...I'll stick with my Mardi Gras balls...). But kinda like when you kill a spider with a book...and then you just have to look underneath to make sure it is dead...I have to look at this show and make sure it is really happening...I'm watching one right now that is particuarly awful...this woman has twins...and obviously favors one of the twins because one wins is beyond horrible...I just can't even imagine putting my small little girls in such a does TLC manage to suck me in with this stuff?


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