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I Guess A Girl With the Blues Should End Up In Memphis

So, I'm back in Memphis, TN. The summer is already over...time truly does go by way too fast...flashing by like those lights in the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey...
Memphis is just as ugly as always. Poplar's roads are too small, as always. The closest store to us is a small Target, as always.
But lovely Rhodes is also the same as always.
I miss my parents terribly. I must have this sick unconscious fixation with finding a way for me to have a long distance relationship with everyone I love. As always, thank god for Skype.

But, I suppose, I should start with right before I left my beloved Baton Rouge...
So, apparently, one of the pills that I'm taking for Rheumatoid Arthritis can be detrimental to your eye, what felt like the only doctor I hadn't been set to go see before I left to school was suddenly added to the list...
And I hate the Eye Doctor.
Any other doctor I can deal. The dentist, awesome. But the eye doctor legitimately freaks me out...I am very paranoid and OCD about my eyes...I'm even weird about how I put on makeup and such...I don't use eye, I hate that office. My mother and I got there at 12:45...and we did not get out of there until 3:30...
First, they wanted to check my peripheral vision, so they made me do the Test of Evil. One of my eyes was covered in an eye patch and then I had to push my face into the box...a box where there is nothing but a blank gray wall and a small orange dot in the middle...and for minutes at a time you have to just sit there starting at that dot and wait for small flashing green dots...for every one you see, you have to push a button, like on some kind of sick game show...and after five minutes of sitting staring at the gray, I started to feel like it was pressing in on me, my mind was a panicky blank and all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep...
But there would be no sleep. After that lovely experiment, I had a full blown check up...including all of these eye drops...a nasty, yellow one--sticky and unpleasant being scrunched over constantly by my eyelid...and then the one used to dilate my eyes...leading to you sitting in a dimly lit room while your numbed eyes slowly get fuzzier and fuzzier...

But, that ended, thank god--though at the time, I could have sworn that I was going to have to just live out the rest of my existence in that dismal place...
And then I got to leave home. Packing didn't take too long...though I certainly do have a ton of filled my Mazada and daddy's truck...
When we got to Memphis, we drove to Rhodes and unloaded the stuff from the back of the truck into the new dorm room because we didn't want to leave all that open stuff to just sit in the parking lot of our hotel...
And thank god we did. The next morning, after a horrible night sleep (the four Sandifers do not do well in one room...Ryan is enough personality for his own room), we went down to the lobby to check out and...apparently, someone had tried to break into all of the cars the night before...and sure enough, dad's truck was all scratched with finger prints all over it...that stuff would have been gone...
But then Claire and I moved into our wonderful new dorm is SO much larger than the one that we had last year...we have a sink, a futon, and space to actually move and not bump into each other every two seconds...I can truly say that I am happy in my dorm...

The bathrooms suck...the showers have only a curtain separating the small cube of a shower from the air of the open's not a fun situtaion...I think I can handle it for the bigger room...which fits my bigger refrigerator! I am having to adjust to having a roommate again, because being I loved being alone in my room at home...but Claire is a good roommate 95% of the time, which is pretty awesome...

I have all my books, which seem to show potential for my classes, especially the Search books. They include The Prince, Paradise Lost, The Tempest, Frankenstein, and The Road. I went and found all of my classrooms and now I'm just kinda ready to get into the swing of things...walking around campus with my Ipod (listening to the (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack)...definitely not ready for the craziness that will be Rush. Trying to put that out of my mind, actually...

However, nothing lets me forget how much I dreadfully miss my parents and Ryan...they are such a major and intricate part of my life...that leaving them feels like things are snapping inside myself, being torn away...and my mom is my best friend, as is Alyssa who I am also separated from, as she attends LSU slaving away for the world of fashion...
And as always, Matt (HA! You thought a post would go by without me including him! But I cannot do that...the man is constantly, randomly in my thoughts...and I just simply love him so much, I can't help it...)--I can't see him until after all of this Rush crap is over...I miss him so badly, I wondered about missing one of the AOII rush parties to go on Labor Day...but that $100 dollar fine is just slightly excessive for that plan (and slightly ridiculous)...but without him it just feels like something is missing...
Now, a year ago, just starting my freshman year in college, I would have gagged if someone told me that about their boyfriend...I guess that you just never really know until you fall that hard...
I saw (500) Days of Summer again today, and certain parts of that movie made me cry...they make me think of me and Matt...and then I feel like I'm going to be separated from him forever...and it hurts so badly that I cry...

But, soon. I shall see him soon. I will. And soon, I will be able to see my parents. And soon I'll be back in BR (and hopefully the terrible road construction will even be over).
Soon, the word that makes it all seem a little bit more maybe us lowly humans will eventually figure out and conquer that part of time called the future...
Whatever. Soon will come soon enough, I suppose--as soon as it is necessary...

And so, being a Rhodent again...begins!


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