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Still You Don't Regret a Single Day

I have not written in quite a long time. (Obviously.)
Too long, maybe. It's been half a semester...
But today is the day to write...I'm most probably feeling this need because I've been pending up some feelings--and writing takes a bit of that stress away...
Also...I think I'm PMSing...

First, I must comment on my newest musical obsession. The Avett Brothers. Now, usually, I wouldn't go for this type of music. It has folk-like qualities for sure, but it has that twang--not really of country, but of hovering dangerously close to bluegrass...Matt and I saw them live in Little Rock and they were fantastic. And I'm hooked. Their lyrics pull me in and there is something so heartfelt and wonderful about how they present them...

But, I'll make the Rhodes filling-in quick.
I survived Rush, most probably because Regan hated it as much as I did, and so it all managed to go by fairly quickly...
I did Revelation, got a little (Lisa. Who is fairly adorable, kinda spacey and high-maintenance, but she is sweet and I like her--even if she if from the Northwest and doesn't understand the fleur de lis--basically, we get along well), and all that jazz.
As for the rest of the time...I do work and more work. Topics in Biomedical Science sucks because post-docs don't know how to teach or give exams. But, the information is pretty cool, so I guess it all turns out okay. Search is so good, I'm so glad to have landed in this class--the professor is easy going...and today she gave us doughnuts (total highlight of my day). Chem is also going very well, it's pretty easy--though, we just switched professors and I wouldn't say it's for the better...Chem lab is awesome, professor reminds me of my grandfather. Calculus, though, was a terrible start. Probably because she just expected us to remember random stuff from Trig, which was a rather long time ago...but, I've worked my butt off and become very good friends with my professor since I'm in her office every other day...and I've worked my way to getting a solid A on my last test...
So, college is fairly normal. My days are made when there are cupcakes at the Rat. I study and do more studying...

Fall Break was amazing, but way, way too short. The drive on Friday was good and I arrived home to the chaos that is our being-remodeled house. Everything looks wonderful (though, quite frankly, I'm glad I'm not there to have to deal with it) and mom had Granny's spaghetti and meatballs for me--which I over-ate. That's when you know I was so happy to be home, eating decent food...We went to New Orleans and I got my dressed tailored for the Coronation, which is coming up on Nov. 14 (AH! I cannot wait for my six hour drive with Matt there...)...the dress isn't the prettiest thing, and surely doesn't compare to Excalibur. Zeus is a lot older, so I thought they would be more tasteful....but we've gotten some nice jewelry for it....but the greatest moments came the next day at the Saints vs Giants game. God, the Saints are so beautiful this year...the next week they played Miami and had one of the most amazing comebacks I've ever seen...but my game was so very good and I got Cafe du Monde before....
At home I had four million appointments, like the Rheumatoid doctor, she told me that the reason I'm having trouble taking my medicine is that my body is trying to reject I know take it in shot form....who would have EVER thought I would be giving myself shots? And then I finally got to hang out with my wonderful family and had one evening with Alyssa and that crew before I had to go back to the routine...

I also went to Matt's parents new house. Granted, it is in the boonies of Arkansas....somewhere called Bee Branch....and I saw towns so small they made Arkadelphia look like a Metropolis...and I turn a wrong turn in Little Rock and ended up in a very frightening part of town...and his mom mentioned something about seeing the neighborhood bobcats in the morning--but, it is the cutest house on a hill and overlooks the most beautiful was the most perfect little scene, all, I would never be able to live in a place like that...but it would be an amazing place to be able to visit...

Speaking of Matt, the man of my heart is certainly closer to me...he's been to Memphis a few times, which has been wonderful--we even went to a NASCAR race (again, who would have thought?)....but long distance still really, really sucks...I don't know his friends, he barely knows mine...I don't really have a "best friend" at Rhodes, though I suppose that Ariel (thank god for her, she is so dear to me here) comes fairly close...but nothing quite like Alyssa and Matt--he may be my "boyfriend," but in reality, he is my closest friend...who is definitely not particuarly close...I just wish we could have some stance of normalcy sometimes...though, we both just kinda talk about the times in the future when we just may...

To close, I'll mention two things...
TV shows have been awesome. Glee is so amazing, I can't explain it...I even pay a ridiculous amount on Itunes to buy the songs...Jim and Pam got married on the Office...I've caught up on 30 Rock to watch it weekly, FlashForward is my favorite new show, Big Bang Theory is Sheldon-tastic, except for the weird Leonard/Penny stuff, Modern Family is the funniest new show....
The only disappointment is Project Runway. My beloved show, you have sucked this year. If the next season isn't wonderful, I just may have to break up with you....

But the most legitamte break up in my life will be with my roommate. I can't handle it any longer. I buy all of the food and she buys none--but eats all of mine. She tends to lack a certain curtesy....and has too many problems that she constantly tells me about and tries to gain my advice about....and there are just too many issues, big and small, for me to ever find the time to write down. She also thinks kissing is gross, which is an issue considering that Matt and I do a lot of that when we finally get to see each other...
But single rooms are only an extra 400 dollars a year. I'm doing it.


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